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Monday, 16 October 2017

My Big Sucks

My Big Sucks

Every sorority girl knows the most important days of her life are as follows: her wedding day (if you ever meet a guy who can afford that Harry Winston you’ve had your heart set on since Chuck gave it to Blair), her 21st birthday, Bid Day, and the greatest one of all: big/little reveal. This is the day you find the girl who will be your mentor and the one to hide you from the standards chair when you’ve had way too much to drink and look like Taylor in the “Blank Space” video. But what happens if you don’t get the big you had your heart set on and end up with the girl who spends all her collegiate days in the library?

There’s literally no way to sugarcoat it. Showing up to big/little reveal and having to fake smile harder than you ever did at recruitment while your hopes and dreams plummet faster than girls in heels on elevated surfaces fucking sucks. Every girl in your pledge class is dying of excitement, and you feel like that pathetic bitch who got sent home after the first rose ceremony.

But instead of crying in front of everyone like the hot mess that you secretly are, have a little bit of perspective. Because what may seem like the end of the world to you when every other girl in your pledge class is gushing about how perfect her big is may not actually be your last chance at the perfect big/little relationship. Because, guess what? There will be another big/little reveal next year for the best damn pledge class your sorority has ever seen and this time, you can be that perfect big.

So instead of spending the month after reveal crying over a pint of Halo Top in your twin xl, channel that energy into Pinteresting craft ideas and brainstorming Insta worthy reveal themes. Because next year will be the year that you start the best damn family your chapter has ever seen. And don’t totally give up on your big in the process, because everyone can use a little extra studying in between blackouts. When final exams roll around, you can use that study room she has practically lived in all semester while everyone else is scrambling to find some peace and quiet to cram for their impending calc exams.

Image via Shutterstock

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