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Wednesday, 11 October 2017

This new Game of Thrones spoiler confirms the fate of one of your favourite characters

The final scene of Game of Thrones season 7 left us with one big question: Will Tormund survive?

Remember he was trapped up in the wall after the ice dragon and the army of the undead brought it down as they marched to Westeros.

So it looks like we can finally tell Tormund’s fate after that great fall. Actor, Kristofer Hivju was spotted in Belfast airport by a fan who was smart enough to take a photo for social media.

When asked if his character would be returning for the final season, Hivju told Digital Spy, “Somehow, it looks like it’s a fall you can’t survive. But people have asked me if characters like Beric and Tormund die, why wouldn’t they show that? And then, in another way, it’s a horrible way to end a season, by killing two people and showing that death. So they kept it in the air. But still, I don’t know! He may be dead”.

True to Hivju’s words, Tormund may be dead but for now, we’ll stick to this new narrative. He’s in Belfast, Northern Ireland filming with other GoT stars, Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke who are currently in the city.

Game of Thrones Season 8 will air in 2019.

Read » This new Game of Thrones spoiler confirms the fate of one of your favourite characters on YNaija

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