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Friday, 6 October 2017

[The Sexuality Blog] How sharp is your ‘gaydar’? Watch this episode of Untold Facts

One of the reasons The Sexuality Blog was created was meet the need for information about sexual minorities and LGBT persons. There was simply a paucity of any kind of information about LGBT people, and the little information that was available was often skewered by the lens of bigotry and government propaganda.

It’s also one of the reasons why we appreciate The Initiative for Equal Rights (TIERS), one of the non-profit organisations dedicated to LGBT issues murking into the depths of bad information and setting things straight.

Last year, they launched a new web series called ‘Untold Facts’ hosted by the excellent Arit Okpo, where they tackle important and what some might consider trivial topics that relate specifically to LGBT people in ways that anyone can understand.

Untold Facts, so far has been quite good and it’s Gaydar episode in particular – even when it meanders a bit – is exceptional. It generally does a good job of explaining what ‘Gaydar’ is: perpertuation of stereotypes. And why this can become a hindrance to being able to relate to LGBT person.

Okpo is really an excellent host, her delivery managing to gloss over some of the more patronising aspects of the show, like the ‘surprise’ walk in’s who interrupt interviews to provide ‘perspective’ on topics. It is also interesting to see a show that doesn’t dwell too much on the doom and gloom of LGBT life and expands its reach and our perspectives.

You should give it a look see.


Read » [The Sexuality Blog] How sharp is your ‘gaydar’? Watch this episode of Untold Facts on YNaija

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