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Tuesday, 24 October 2017

New York bans vaping anywhere cigarettes can't go—including bars and restaurants

New York Bans Vaping Anywhere Cigarettes Are Also Banned

Even though the science on e-cigarettes seems to flip-flop on whether vaping is healthier than smoking traditional cigarettes, the increasingly popular smoking techniques have taken more than a few hits lately. E-cigarettes might potentially hurt your heart health, and there's some new evidence that vaping increases your risk for lung disease in ways that cigarettes don't.

The latest unlucky strike against e-cigs, however, came not from the lab, but rather the desk of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who signed a bill on Tuesday baninng the use of e-cigarettes or vapes anywhere cigarettes are also banned, according to a new report from The New York Times.


The ban will go into effect in 30 days, meaning that just one month from now e-cig users will no longer be able to vape in public indoor spaces like offices, restaurants, or bars.

And while New York is the first state to take a stand against e-cigarettes, citing health concerns like nicotine addiction and potential long-term health consequences as the reasoning behind the new ban, it's possible (if not probable) that other cities and states will follow suit.

So even though e-cigarette users are actually more likely to quit traditional cigarettes, in New York they'll have to stand outside with the "old-school" smokers.


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