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Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Long and Lean Legs With Gina’s Thigh-Slimmer Circuit

Today I want to share with you an awesome circuit to slim and trim your thighs. This workout focuses on the mind-muscle connection, proving that it doesn’t take much and it sure doesn’t take a gym to get those toned legs we are all after. A lot of the exercises used in this circuit are exercises I did as a little girl. I had a routine I would do every night before bed, and I still use some of the same moves in my home workouts. It’s fun to bring back these moves and see how they still help me tone and trim my lower body. I call several of these moves “ballet moves” because they are more about posture, pointing and putting your mind in your muscle with detailed movements. All you will need is a pair of dumbbells or push-up bars, if you have them. The key of this workout is really focusing less on weight and more on squeezing your quads and pointing your toes. Think “long and lean” with each rep. I hope you enjoy this circuit as much as I do.

Thigh Slimmer

• 20 squats up on those toes, using something for stability (like a TRX band)
• 20 side leg lifts with quick rest at 10 reps, each side
• 20 squats up on those toes, using something for stability (like a TRX band)
• 20 front leg lift pulses with rest at 10 reps, each side
• 20 squats up on those toes, using something for stability (like a TRX band)
• 20 front raises, superset with side leg lifts, each side
• 20 squats up on those toes, using something for stability (like a TRX band)
• 10 leg circles, rotate at 5, then circling the other way, each side
• 20 squats up on those toes, using something for stability (like a TRX band)
• 20 straight-leg, leg extensions off push bars or dumbbells with quick rest at 10 reps, each side
• 20 lying leg extensions with slow release, quick rest at 10 reps, each side

Dig deep and feel your legs slimming with each rep.

For more NO GYM workout videos to keep you on track with your goals, check out Gina Aliotti’s VIP program..

from FitnessRX for Women

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