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Wednesday, 11 October 2017


If your goal is to burn fat and lose weight, it’s not always so easy. And even if you’ve been putting in the hard work, sometimes you need a little bit of help to lose that last bit of weight. And not only that, but also having the energy to exercise is essential and can make or break your workout.

You may remember the DMAA (dimethylamylamine) products from recent years that worked so well. Well now, DMAA is back in Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals’ HydroxyElite, an effective weight-loss and energy-enhancement supplement. The original HydroxyElite formula has been improved to provide all the results you remember— Hi-Tech even took it one step further and combined the powerful effects of garcinia cambogia extract to an already effective formula.

While there are many fat-burning products on the market, HydroxyElite stands out as one of the most clinically potent thermogenics out there, with effective ingredients like DMAA, caffeine, garcinia cambogia, rauwolfia canescens (aka rauwolscine), bauhinia purpurea extract, bacopa monnieri extract and cirsium oligophyllum extract.


Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals HydroxyElite

What’s Inside

HydroxyElite works because of its powerful, clinically studied ingredients. It combines the effects of DMAA as an alpha and beta adrenoceptor, and also contains caffeine as a natural stimulant. Caffeine has been shown to not only help increase energy, alertness and concentration, but also to have thermogenic effects.

Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the other ingredients found in HydroxyElite:

Garcinia cambogia extract is a fruit native to India, and the active ingredient in the extract is hydroxy citric acid (HCA). It has been reported that HCA may reduce fatty acid synthesis by approximately 40 to 70 percent for eight to 12 hours following a meal. Hi-Tech utilizes the premium garcinia on the market.

The clinically studied citrin K is a source of standardized high-potency HCA and is meant to aid in weight loss naturally, as demonstrated in pre-clinical and clinical studies. It is a standardized extract from garcinia cambogia extract, enriched with potassium salt. Potassium has been shown to improve penetration of HCA into the cytoplasm, and the potassium salt of HCA is more available where it competes with citrate molecules for the enzymatic activity of ATP citrate lyase. In fact, citrin K is patented for the induction of weight loss and the source used for HydroxyElite.

Bauhinia purpurea, which has been known to increase thyroid conversion of T4 while also increasing T3. It’s been surmised that increasing thyroid hormone sensitizes or increases the lipolytic effects of adrenergic stimulation in fat cells. Another plant ingredient, bacopa monnieri, has been shown in an animal model to naturally promote thyroid hormone production.

HydroxyElite also includes the plant ingredient cirsium oligophyllum, which has been found to reduce the gain of bodyweight and fat mass. Specifically, this plant seemed to target subcutaneous fat mass (fat just below the skin that covers the muscles) in rats, over that of visceral mass (also known as “organ fat,” which your body needs a fair amount of to protect the organs).

Burn Fat and Increase Energy

This formula has been improved, and it shows. With such effective ingredients to assist in fitness goals, HydroxyElite is a winning combination that can help increase energy without an overstimulated feeling and no crash after, while also helping to burn off the extra bit of fat and help control appetite.

For more information, visit

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