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Monday, 16 October 2017

5 pregnancy beauty dilemmas and how to solve them


There is no denying that pregnancy is an amazing time because, at the end of it, you are blessed with a bundle of joy. The nine months leading up to it can, however, wreak havoc on your skin and hair. Here are five common beauty problems experienced during pregnancy and what you can do to fix them. Because a happy mom is a happy baby!

1. Melasma

Melasma is the result of changing hormones and causes dark spots to form on the face. This pigmentation is also worsened with sun exposure, so make sure you are wearing SPF daily, limiting exposure to sun and using a natural, safe brightening cream to lighten pigmentation marks. 

Related: 5 beauty-product ingredients to avoid when you’re pregnant

2. Acne

Some women experience clearer skin during pregnancy while others, unfortunately, break out. While most oral medication for acne, and ingredients like retinoids and salicylic acid, which are found in topical acne medication, aren’t safe to use during pregnancy, facial cleansing products that contain gentle pimple-busters, such as tea-tree oil, should help keep your skin as clear as possible. 

3. Spider veins

Hormonal changes and the increase in the volume of blood in the system can cause veins to branch out and become bigger and more obvious. If you are starting to develop spider veins, try to limit the time you spend standing up, sit with your legs elevated as much as possible and invest in a good pair of support stockings. 

Related: How to look after your skin during pregnancy

4. Body hair

Not all aspects of pregnancy are beautiful, but they can be miraculous, like hair sprouting all over your body in unusual places. The same hormones that make hair more luscious during these nine months can also cause excessive body hair. Luckily, shaving and waxing are both safe, and your hair growth should return to normal after your baby is born. Phew!

5. Dry, sensitive or itchy skin

During this time your body is going through a lot, and your skin can really take a beating. To combat any dryness, itchiness and sensitivity, switch to a rich, unscented lotion and keep your skin moisturised by reapplying it throughout the day. This will prevent further irritation and keep your skin soothed. 

Photo: iStock/AtnoYdur 


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