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Friday, 29 September 2017

Hurricane: Trump to visit Puerto Rico on Tuesday

Following the severe damage suffered by Puerto Rico after the island was battered by category 4 Hurricane Maria, President Trump has expressed his sadness at the ugly incident and ensured military officers are on ground to facilitate the relief efforts.

Trump equally promised to visit the island on Tuesday and urged the media to present an adequate and sincere report of the situation.

In a tweet in the early hours of Friday, Trump wrote: “…really hard to help but many have lost their homes. Military is now on site and I will be there Tuesday. Wish press would treat fairly!”

Also disclosing the level of operations from officials and the supply of relief packages, the President wrote in an earlier tweet: “FEMA & First Responders are doing a GREAT job in Puerto Rico. Massive food & water delivered. Docks & electric grid dead. Locals trying….”

Read » Hurricane: Trump to visit Puerto Rico on Tuesday on YNaija

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