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Tuesday, 26 September 2017

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Adam Sandler

Adam Sandler is one of the most widely known celebrities in the entertainment industry, which makes it even more surprising just how private he is. Sandler is one of those stars who has mastered the balance of being in the spotlight when he wants to be, but living an otherwise low-key life when not premiering a new film. Separating Sandler from his many outrageous characters is probably the hardest thing for fans to do. Aside from all of the ridiculous roles he has played, in real life Sandler is a reasonable and very calm guy and is rarely if ever in the tabloids for the wrong reasons. So get to know more about the actor with these 10 things you probably didn’t know about him:

10. Leading Man

Early in his career, Sandler found success with movies such as Conehads, Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore, but things changed after one particular film: 1998’s The Wedding Singer, and it was all thanks to one actress. Back in the ’90s Drew Barrymore apparently called Sandler and told him she wanted to make movies together, and since he thought she was “a badass” he and his writing partner came up with the idea for The Wedding Singer, creating the role of Robbie Hart which separated Sandler from his well-established man-child roles. “Drew liking me made it seem like girls were allowed to like me in movies,” he recalled of how that role led to him being cast as the romantic lead in many more films, two more of which also co-starred Drew Barrymore.

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9. Relationship With the Media

If fans think it is strange how rarely they see Adam Sandler in the media for how big of a star he is, it is because he is not fond of interviews. Way back in 1996 the actor actually swore of all print media following the press tour for his first big film Billy Madison. Sandler had a blast meeting really nice reporters during the press tour, but when their pieces came out, many ridiculed him and called him a “moron” causing the actor’s relationship with the media to go sour early in his career. After refusing to do any print interviews afterward claiming he had been “misquoted all time,” Sandler now only does a few rare on-camera interviews when promoting a new film.

Everett Collection

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