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Tuesday, 2 May 2017

NDIC vs. fugitive bank chiefs

Nigeria’s bureaucracy is like a malignant tumour, it feeds on the organs around it until it destroys everything in sight and eventually, self-destruct – even without knowing it. In like manner, institutions around here lapse into what Hardball would like to describe as willful nihilism.
Immediately institutions are set up here, they seem to begin to shrink and atrophy from the following day. Unlike in other climes where periodic reviews and re-jigging are the order, here they suffer negative growth and become hollow shells over time. Again, unbeknown to the people running such organs of the system.
Sadly, the above scenario was provoked by the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC). What ought to have been a unit of the central bank or at best a small department was set up about three decades ago as a full-fledged agency to wound down failed banks and cushion attendant negative impacts of such failure on stakeholders.
Brilliant idea, wonderful objective, but what we have today is an elaborate agency, not unlike a carcinogenic cell which feeds on its environment to the very end. Consider this scenario:
The NDIC recently announced (with much fanfare) that it was poised on torpedoing the new-found freedom of fugitive bank directors.
As the story goes, many former directors of failed banks had fled the country to escape trial. Some even jumped bail in the heat of prosecution, but have recently sneaked into the country.
NDIC apparently has a task force set up to hunt down these ‘fugitives’ as they have been termed. About 17 cases are under review made up of both failed microfinance banks and deposit money banks. An example is presented of failed Gulf Bank in which some directors allegedly made away with about N15 billion.
However, Hardball thinks even NDIC has become a ‘fugitive’ corporation of its own that has largely absconded from its responsibilities. To think that some of these cases happened about 15 to 20 years ago, yet not many were closed. There was a flush of failed banks in the late 90s and 2000 and many depositors ‘failed’ with them.
Numerous depositors have waited for so long, getting neither their deposit nor insurance from NDIC. Many did not only give up hope, they gave up the ghost. Meanwhile, NDIC’s bureaucracy has expanded and overhead blossomed.
How could people suspected of such huge fraud be allowed to get away for so long? We expect the NDIC to give us periodic status report of the number of depositor they had bailed out and number of cases successfully closed. We expect a comprehensive report of the directors prosecuted so far and those that ‘got away’. What Hardball can see now is a ‘fugitive’ environment in which both the thief and the thief-catcher have ‘bolted’, leaving the victim stranded.

The post NDIC vs. fugitive bank chiefs appeared first on The Nation Nigeria.

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