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Wednesday, 17 May 2017

12 Most Popular Bachelorette Couples Ranked From Worst To Best

As Rachel Lindsay will be taking on the role of “Bachelorette” on May 22nd, we have ranked the past 12 seasons of Bachelorette couples in terms of popularity. Whether it was because of harsh break ups or due to being a genuinely cute couple, there were many reasons why some couples were better received than others. Let’s take a trip down memory lane!

12. Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski (Season 5)

Jillian, the first Canadian Bachelorette, accepted Ed’s proposal in the 2009 finale. However the couple never made it to the alter. Both are happily married or engaged to other partners now, but it really wasn’t shocking when this couple broke up. During the “After The Rose” episode, two of the men from the season questioned Harris’ decision, and clearly they were right to do so as the couple didn’t last. Overall it wasn’t one of the more memorable seasons and the couple lacked the spark that many others have had.


11. DeAnna Pappas and Jesse Csincsak (Season 4)

Overall, the final reveal of who Deanna chose wasn’t that thrilling. Between Jesse and Jason there never seemed to be one that stood out more than the other — and don’t get me started on that awkward family gathering with all three on the couch together. There just never seemed to be a deep connection between DeAnna and any of the men. By the end of the season it almost felt as though DeAnna was choosing for the sake of choosing, despite declaring she had made her decision long before the proposals were made. Either way, DeAnna and Jesse couldn’t make it work, although both are happily married to different people.

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