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Saturday, 1 April 2017


Nigeria Taekwondo failed to qualify for the Rio 2016 Olympics in this last Olympic cycle in addition to winning only one gold medal at the last 2015 All African Games. Prior to this period, we had qualified at every Olympic qualification event attended and the last time we picked up only a solitary gold medal at the All African games was twenty-six years ago in Cairo. For decision makers at the Federal Ministry of Youths and Sports, this was enough to strike the sport off its top seven list.

Thus, when I was asked a few days ago how Nigeria Taekwondo could ensure that it performs at the Lusaka 2019 AAG and Tokyo 2020 Olympics, my immediate response was that it is dependent on the leadership in place. This is why it is important to ensure that the right kind of President is elected during the upcoming elections.

In my opinion, here is the kind of President that the Nigeria Taekwondo Federation [NTF] needs.

One; an Action NTF President.
It is not enough to say the right things and paint the perfect picture. There is a drawn-out and challenging distance between source and destination that demands action. For example, getting a constitution passed by congress; building strong national senior and junior teams; developing policies that strengthens state associations who in turn ensure the grassroots sports development of the sport etc.

Two; a Team Player NTF President
The board is the authority mandated to govern and develop policies for the sport over a four-year period. A team-player NTF President would take his/her board along in the process of decision-making. Given the various constituencies that make up the board, a team-player NTF President would ensure that the unique experiences and strengths of the board is brought into play to push the sport forward.

Three; a generous NTF President
It is tough to secure funding for Nigeria Taekwondo. It has always been, it still is. The next Nigeria Taekwondo Federation President should have a financial plan on how exactly funding will be secured over the next four years. Cries of “there is no money” and blaming the Federal Ministry of Youths and Sports must not come into play.

During the several months it would take to implement the financial plan, a generous SF President should be naturally prepared to foot the bills or inspire his/her board to foot basic bills i.e. ensuring that the Federation secretariat is functional. It can be puzzling how a secretariat can ground to a halt because no one wanted to pay for the monthly internet, fuel for the generator or buy printer ink and paper.

Four; a courageous and realistic NTF President
Nigeria Taekwondo has too many dynamics and factions. On one hand, it is important that the NTF President knows and understands all these dynamics, factions and persons involved. On the other hand, it is more critical that the NTF President has the courage to sail the Olympic sport into the future regardless of the resistance from the strong winds presented by many of these dynamics and factions.

Five; a Fair NTF President
National Programs that are done by the Federation must be fairly distributed across the six regions over a four-year period.

Six; an Accountable NTF President.
An Accountable President would ensure that there is financial and operational accountability and transparency. Every single kobo that passes through the Federation should be accounted for. Situations where athletes and coaches pay for a National Insurance I.D Scheme without getting the service or refunds must be avoided at all cost in the next Olympic cycle. For every program that is set on the calendar, there must be an account on whether the program met pre-determined goals and learning points should be noted.

Seven; a Data-Driven NTF President
Nigeria Taekwondo has no official database. We really do not know and cannot effectively estimate how many people practice Taekwondo in Nigeria. This has ensured that we have lost talents and revenue. The next NTF President should be able to set up a structure that can capture, permanently store and update this info. Knowing our numbers will give the Federation a peculiar strength and help it design and implement more effective and targeted policies.

Eight; a Global NTF President
The next NTF President must have the charisma, recognisability and clout to be embraced by the Africa Taekwondo Union, World Taekwondo Federation and the many other global institutions. In the next four years, more in-roads must be made into these bodies.

If Nigeria Taekwondo wants to regain a front seat, and have the kind of success currently enjoyed by the Table Tennis, Basketball and Wrestling, it is critical that the right kind of President steps into the role for the next four years.

The post THE PRESIDENT NIGERIA TAEKWONDO NEEDS appeared first on The Nation Nigeria.

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