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Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Martin Lawrence Proposed To His Girlfriend On April Fool’s Day

The 51-year-old comedian, actor and father, Martin Lawrence on April fool’s day; April 1st, 2017 proposed to his gorgeous Latina girlfriend, Roberta Moradfar.

The diamond encrusted ring by Beverly Hills Iconic Jewels features the letters M and R with a heart between them. This is said to signify the love between them.

The 35-year-old aesthetic Nurse and excited soon-to-be bride shared the news on her Instagram page with the caption

And I said “YES!” ??????????3.31.2017 marks a huge milestone in my life #Fiance #TrueLove #LoveofmyLife #MyForever #FutureWife #M??R #ILoveHim #IconicJewels’

Third time is the charm, let it be known that Martin has three kids from his two previous marriages.

We couldn’t be happier for these two beautiful people. Congratulations!

Photo Credit: B. Scott

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