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Thursday, 6 April 2017

(Graphic) Horny elephant tramples keeper to death after being freed to pose for selfies

 A horny elephant trampled his keeper to death after being freed to have his photo taken with tourists.

Atork the elephant was in his mating season when the holidaymakers asked for selfies with him.

His trainer Choeung Team, 47, removed a set of leg shackles from the large mammal in Pu Tang village in Mondulkiri province, north-eastern Cambodia.

According to Daily Mirror, But Atork, 60, was not interested in having his picture taken and went into the forest to hide.

And when Choeung followed, Atork hit him with his trunk before stamping on him until he was dead.

Choeung's nephew Saroeun Naro, 37, said:
"Atork used his trunk to beat him and trampled on him.
"I don't know what the problem of Atork was, maybe he needed a female elephant or he was angry with my uncle."
Local police officer Norng Chanthea said: "The owner was killed by his elephant when it was in rut.

"Now it is in the forest and no one can get close to it."

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