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Wednesday, 26 April 2017

3 things patients do that drive dermatologists crazy


Yes, the truth hurts. But trust us – your dermatologist is one doc you want to keep happy. So if you’re doing any of these things, you might want to rethink your skincare habits.

1. Eating processed foods

Patient studies have linked high-glycaemic-index foods (like white bread, French fries and many sugary drinks), which raise blood sugar, to a higher incidence of acne and a breakdown of collagen in skin.

If you’re battling pimples, consider also eliminating gluten for a week to see if it helps; some dermatologists believe it plays a part too, though studies haven’t proven a connection between gluten and high blood sugar.

Related: Should you try a gluten-free diet?

2. Trying to exfoliate away dry body skin

Dermatologists have had enough of patients scrubbing skin raw and not moisturising afterwards. Trying to buff away rough skin only strips it further, says dermatologist Dr Heidi Waldorf. Break the cycle by using a hydrating body wash with glycerine, oils or ceramides, and follow up with a nourishing moisturiser.

Related: Easy-to-make body mousse

3. Moisturising incorrectly, or not at all

Many people skip body lotion because they don’t like that slimy two-to-three-minute window of rubbing it in and waiting for it to absorb. Waldorf has the solution: ‘The best way to rub in a skin cream is not in a circle – that just pushes it around. Instead, move your hands in a straight line up or down. It soaks into skin faster.’ 

PHOTO: iStock/kali9


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Your guide to exfoliation

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