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Tuesday, 4 April 2017

10 Failed American Remakes Of British Shows

American networks love to remake British shows; however, a number of the shows they adapt for an American audience don’t actually resonate the way that they do with the British. We have a list of 10 American remakes of British shows that failed miserably with American audiences:

10. The Weakest Link

The Weakest Link was a game show that aired on BBC 2 from 2000 to 2012. In April 2001, The U.S. debuted its own adaptation of the show on NBC, but while the show initially had good ratings, they quickly began to slip. Producers for the show decided to try to boost the ratings by having celebrities as contestants and had theme episodes where the celebrities played for charity, but this caused even lower ratings. In 2002, NBC cancelled The Weakest Link.



9. Footballer Wives/Football Wives

Football Wives was a television pilot developed for ABC, which was supposed to air in the fall of 2007. The show was based on the successful British show Footballer’s Wives that aired from 2002 until 2006 on ITV. Unfortunately, ABC did not pick up Football Wives for the 2007-2008 season because it didn’t test especially well with men.

Source: televisionista

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