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Sunday, 12 March 2017

PHOTOS: Pastor Iginla Heals HIV Positive Soldier With Miracle Water

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Abuja-based Pastor Joshua Iginla has healed a soldier of his HIV-positive status after drinking water given to him by the wife.

Read full story below as shared Pastor Joshua Iginla:


Bro. Emmanuel Idroengin started feeling weakness and pains all over his body sometimes back. He then decided to consult the hospital for a medical checkup. The result came out HIV positive for him.

He then summoned courage and told his wife his then HIV status. His wife being a member of Champions Royal Assembly and a strong believer in God dropped her Champions Miracle Bracelet in a cup of water and gave her husband to drink. After drinking the water, he started feeling a sense of relief and decided to run the medical test a second time, this time around at about 3 different hospitals. To the glory of God, he found he has been miraculously healed. His HIV results came out negative this time. Praise God!!

I use this testimony as a point of contact to everyone ill out there, by the healing power of God, every form of sickness or ailment is uprooted out of your body right now in Jesus name’

See photos below:

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soldier miracle 4.PNG

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