Cadbury Breakfast Television was an entertaining children's block that ruled the airwaves from the mid 90s to early 00s.
Back in the day when NTA 2 Channel 5 no longer aired dope cartoons and sitcoms, Cadbury Breakfast Television filled the gap.
On Saturday mornings, Cadbury Breakfast Television would show an array of cartoons. It was prided itself as being the number one in family entertainment and it really was.
Cadbury Breakfast Television was the only reason kids would wake up early on a Saturday morning when they should be resting.
From early in the morning till noon kids would watch numerous cartoon shows such as Tom & Jerry, Bike Mice from Mars, Animaniacs, Freakazoid, Pinky & The Brain, Spiderman & Friends and others. Sitcoms were also added to the mix. On the last Saturday of the month, a Hallmark movie was aired.
The good folks at Cadbury bought time slots on different TV stations for to air their breakfast television programme. Prior to this, Saturday morning TV was dominated by boring talk shows and aimless programmes that were borderline boring. Cadbury Breakfast Television was the highlight of any Nigerian kid's weekend.
ALSO READ: NTA 2 Channel 5 was pure gold for kids in the 90s
Cadbury Breakfast Television was a successful copy of Fun Factory, a children's programme block which featured series of cartoons which ran on Sky in the UK from 1985 to 1994.
Fun Factory featured cartoons such as Transformers, Inspector Gadget, The Care Bear and others. Fun Factory came into Nigeria in the early 90s via pirate satellite television. When the satellite television industry got regulated, Fun Factory disappeared. In its place came Cadbury Breakfast Television.
The programming block sponsored by Cadbury ran for a long while, entertaining millions of kids. Sadly, it is no more. Programming for kids on Nigerian Television these days suck. It would cool to have Cadbury Breakfast Television on air again.
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