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Friday, 17 February 2017

Seth Meyers: Trump's press conference was 'bats--- crazy' and 'racist'


"Late Night" host Seth Meyers scrapped the segment he had originally planned to mock President Donald Trump's bizarre first solo press conference.

Seth Meyers scrapped his previously planned segment of "A Closer Look" on Thursday's "Late Night" after President Donald Trump's first solo press conference became the biggest news of the day.

"Donald Trump held what can only be described as a bats--- crazy press conference that rendered this script completely meaningless," the host said as he shredded a previous script about Republican attacks on Obamacare. "Bye, dead jokes."

Trump held the press conference to announce his new choice to head the Labor Department after his original selection, Andrew Puzder, withdrew himself from consideration following intense criticism over past controversies and statements. But the conference went on for more than an hour in a performance CNN's Jake Tapper called " rel="noFollow"an airing of grievances" and "unhinged."

Aside from Puzder, Trump had another senior staffing issue he needed to address. Earlier this week, Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, resigned after reportedly misleading Vice President Mike Pence about his discussions with Russian officials before Trump was inaugurated.

Meyers found Trump's statements around the controversy contradictory. The president said Flynn had done nothing wrong and that he didn't order Flynn to speak with Russian officials, but "would've directed him" to do so had Flynn not done it.

"He did something that I told him to do, so he had to go," Meyers impersonated Trump. "Clean out your desk, buddy. Why are you cleaning out your desk?"

Among the many headline-driving moments during the Trump conference was his reaction to a reporter asking him if he would take a meeting with black and Latino Congress members. He asked the black reporter if she would like to set up the meeting herself and then asked, "Are they friends of yours?"

Meyers described Trump's response as "pretty racist."

"It's racist to assume all black people know each other. You don’t know all orange people. 'Hey Donald, can you set up a meeting with Snooki and the Lorax?'"

Watch Meyers' "A Closer Look" segment on Trump's press conference below:

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