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Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Friends: Monica’s 13 Love Interests Ranked From Worst to Best

Friends has gone down in history as one of the most popular shows of all time. The sitcom ran for 10 seasons from 1994 to 2004, with one of the best ensemble casts starring Jennifer Aniston, Matthew Perry, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc and David Schwimmer. Courteney Cox played Monica Geller, a high strung perfectionist who played a very motherly role on the show. As we all know now, she ends up getting married to fellow ‘friend’ Chandler Bing, but before that, she goes through her fair share of men! Check out our list of Monica’s 13 love interests ranked from worst to best!

13. Paul The Wine Guy

Paul “the wine guy” shows up in the pilot episode and is first man we see Monica go out with. He started out seeming like a nice guy until Monica found out the line he used to get her to sleep with him…was just a line. He told her he hadn’t been able to be intimate with a woman in the past five years since his wife passed away. Unfortunately, when Monica went into work the next day and chatted with her co-worker, she found out he had used the same line on her!



12. Julio

This poet/bus boy turned out to be a real jerk! Monica dated Julio in season 3 while working at the Moondance Diner. Their relationship didn’t last long, only for the duration of one episode. Monica was initially physically attracted to Julio and the idea of him being a romantic poet, but when she reads a poem he wrote for her, she realizes he’s a huge misogynist. He writes a poem called “The Empty Vase” and when she thinks its about her being vapid, shallow and empty, he tells her it’s not actually about her, but rather all women!

Source: Bustle

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