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Friday, 13 October 2017

Trump sanctions Iran Islamic Revolutionary Guard

As part of the new plan in the decertified Iran nuclear deal, President Trump says the U.S. is imposing new sanctions on its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

In a recent speech at the White House, outlining the new US’ stand on the nuclear pact, Trump accused the Corps of providing assistance to terrorist groups. He encouraged U.S. allies to take action to counter the group’s efforts “including thorough sanctions outside the Iran deal that target the regime’s ballistic missile program in support for terrorism and all of its destructive activities, of which there are many.”

In the speech, the president accused Iran of “not living up to the spirit of the deal”, while the U.S. abides by its promises. He argued, “By its own terms, the Iran deal was supposed to contribute to regional and international peace and security. And yet while the United States adheres to our commitment under the deal, the Iranian regime continues to fuel conflict, terror, and turmoil throughout the Middle East and beyond.”

However, the new plan does not automatically wind down the 2015 agreement but avails Congress the opportunity to decide whether to impose new sanctions or modify the laws on America’s involvement in the pact, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

“I am directing my administration to work closely with Congress and our allies to address the deal’s many serious flaws so that the Iranian regime can never threaten the world with nuclear weapons,” Trump said.

Watch Trump’s full statement below:

President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Iran Strategy

President Trump delivers remarks on the Iran Strategy.

Posted by The White House on Friday, October 13, 2017

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