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Wednesday, 25 October 2017

The Thread: Oby Ezekwesili calls out ‘Wailers’ and ‘Buharists’

If you’ve been on social media a while, you’d notice that Nigeria’s political scene is divided into two groups: supporters of APC and supporters of PDP. As far as Buhari’s administration is concerned, the latter group make up the opposition. When Jonathan was President, it was the former.

These two groups of people tend to have blindspots where their man -GEJ or PMB -is concerned, to the end that neither leader can do any wrong. GEJites are often cheering on their “Hero”, a coinage that came about after Goodluck Jonathan handed over power seamlessly to Buhari. Buharists never fail to “Sai Buhari”, regardless of whatever harebrained scheme his administration comes up with.

This attitude has costly implications for our developing democracy. BBOG activist, Oby Ezekwesili explains below:

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