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Tuesday, 17 October 2017

The Film Blog: 2baba just made his acting debut and we TOTALLY loveeee it

Because 2baba is king!

Because 2baba is a legend!!

Because what’s not to love about Innocent 2baba Idibia!!!

2baba’s debut role doesn’t come close to what we would have imagined. If it was up to us, it would have been a fancy CEO character or a playboy role or anything in that vicinity.

But on the latest episode TV series, Professor Johnbull, 2baba plays an ex-convict who sets up a ‘buka’ but struggles with sales thanks to his history. The episode opens with the singer checking on his pot of egusi soup and making sure it’s not lacking in seasoning. In another scene, he recounts his struggle to lead cast, Kanayo O. Kanayo and it was such an amazing sight.

This is the best of 2baba we’ve seen in recent months and trust that we’re not reaching.

In case you still haven’t put the pieces of the puzzle together, 2baba recently signed on as an ambassador with Globacom, the telecommunications company that sponsors the show.

So yeah, a TV appearance comes with the package.

Watch 2baba be a natural:

2baba aside, Professor Johnbull is one hilarious show.

Love, love, love every bit of it.

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