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Tuesday, 17 October 2017

[The Church Blog] The hangout with CalledOut Music was more than just music after all

calledout music worship hangout

It’s one thing to attend a worship event as is the usual tradition, and it’s another thing to attend a worship event that will give you so many chills that will take you a while to recover. The latter was the situation at the hangout with CalledOut Music and his friends (Folabi Nuel, Jo Deep and Morayo) that held on Tuesday, 3rd October at a venue that was disclosed only to those who had completed all of the necessary registration online. The online registration and screening process was due to limited spaces as well as the need to make the session as intimate as possible.

The turnout of the event was impressive regardless of the fact that it was fixed during working hours and on the first working day of the week. This gesture was a reflection of something deeper; the intense need for a community of strength, love and hope.

The evening worship hangout featured some of the not-too-popular-but-making-waves young individuals like Folabi Nuel, CalledOut Music, JoDeep, Morayo and Mr Ibk, who led several spontaneous worship sessions that took the audience to heights and depths. That should be the ultimate goal of every worship leader right?

Central themes around love for brethren and openness in Christian communities was emphasised as the platform was also open for those who wanted to share burdens, heartaches and prayer requests with the group.

On victories, a few others shared their journey in faith and how they overcome to assure others who might be going through similar struggles of God’s faithfulness.

The worship hangout did not end without the call for salvation for those who needed to embrace the love of God as well.

In the end, the hangout with CalledOut Music, Folabi ‘Nuel, JoDeep and Morayo was more than just a day of music, songs and worship. It was a special time of intimacy, testimonies, fellowship, vulnerability and prayers.

Special thanks to Showgear Relcords and the team of friends that put this together.

Let’s do more.

You can relive the experience from the event from the photos below.

Photos by Rele Owoyemi

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