Some shows literally have no weaknesses (Breaking Bad, we’re looking at you); however, most other shows, including some of our absolute favorites, totally do. These off seasons can happen for a multitude of reasons like a show losing a showrunner or the writers just running out of ideas. Then, as a result, fans just skip these seasons when they re-watch the show. Below, we have a list of the 7 worst seasons of the best shows:
7. Parks and Recreation – Season 1
Parks and Recreation became widely acclaimed; however, during season one, the show received mixed reviews and critics and industry observers weren’t sure that the show would succeed. The main criticisms were that it was too similar to The Office, too predictable, too slow paced and it lacked character development. After a re-approach to its tone and format, the show made a comeback in subsequent seasons and became one of the smartest comedy shows on TV.
Source: PopOptiq
6. Arrested Development – Season 4
The first three seasons of Arrested Development were critically acclaimed; however, because of low ratings, the show was cancelled in 2006. Fans were excited, however, when it was announced that Netflix would be licensing new episodes for a fourth season. While some critics gave the fourth season positive reviews, there were others that reviewed it negatively. One of the main issues was that it was completely underwhelming. The show’s tone changed and it wasn’t nearly as funny. The editing also wasn’t as tight and it ended up looking quite different from the first three seasons. Because the characters were much busier than they were during the show’s initial run, they often weren’t featured on-screen together, which all combined made for a truly terrible season.
Sam Urdank / © Netflix / Courtesy: Everett Collection
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