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Monday, 16 October 2017

Golden Tate dropped The People's Elbow on Sunday, and The Rock loved it

Lions WR Golden Tate Dropped The People's Elbow on Sunday and The Rock Loved It

On Sunday, one of the the NFL's most electrifying players punctuated a score with one of the most electrifying moves in sports entertainment.

Lions wide receiver Golden Tate delivered a jaw-dropping effort when he snagged a quick out route, shook three defenders, and front-flipped into the end zone for a touchdown.


But it's what happened after the TD that got people—most notably The Rock—smelling what he was cooking.

Tate celebrated by dropping The People's Elbow on the poor football. The camera caught an abbreviated version of the famous finisher, but Tate insists he gave it the full treatment.

Tate's Tweet came in response to The Rock, who linked to the celebration on his own account, giving the wideout a nice shoutout. 

Check out the elbow itself below:


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