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Monday, 23 October 2017

Fit and Healthy Halloween TRICKS

So we all know Halloween is approaching! Candy Corn, M&Ms, Peanut Butter Snickers, Reese’s, caramel apples, etc… the list goes on and ON! Now, think about if the “TEMPORARY satisfaction” is worth the extra pounds. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy ANY treats… moderation is key here, and deprivation only makes you CRAVE food more! Here are some tips and tricks to keep that scale down this Halloween!

Fit and Healthy Halloween TRICKS - Six ways to stay healthy and fit during this sweet-filled season!

Keep your goals firmly planted in your mind. Strive for progress, not perfection. Put up little sticky notes reminding you of your goals (run a 5K, be down 5 pounds by Christmas, or maybe even just be more of a mindful eater over the holidays) whatever they may be! ALWAYS remind yourself, and keep that GOAL planted in your mind!

Plan ahead. Before you hit the neighbors Halloween party, have a healthy meal or protein shake ahead of time. This will prevent the hunger pains that arise when we are starving, also preventing the overeating and “eating anything in sight” mentality!

Work out before the event. Many studies show we are more likely to eat less after a workout! When we work out, we feel good and accomplished! We also feel the need to eat healthier! Weird how that works ;) Make sure to sneak in a quick workout before your holiday party!

Watch your portion sizes. Everything in MODERATION! So does it mean don’t touch anything with sugar in it? NO WAY! We are all human and we should allow ourselves a treat meal or snack every so often. Having a handful of candy this Halloween will not hurt if you do it ONCE in a while. Now if you do it daily, YES it will add up over time. Don’t deprive yourself, or feel guilty for enjoying a small portion of a “not-so-nutritious” snack! Just be sure to get right back on track with your healthy lifestyle after the treat :)

Get yourself out of the “all-or-nothing” mentality. How many times do we hear, “Well I already had a piece of cake, so I may as well just spend the rest of my day eating what I want”? NO WAY! Just because you ate a piece of chocolate or treated yourself to a brownie doesn’t mean you should keep eating like this for the month ’till the holidays are over! Just hop back on track the next day, and do a little more of an intense workout and get right back to your healthy lifestyle!

Keep the candy bowl out of sight. Out of sight, out of mind! Don’t put your favorite candy in the candy bowl at your house! Try choosing some you don’t like so it isn’t as tempting! If this doesn’t work, don’t even have it in your house… or if it’s easier…  make your husband or kids hide it! Remind them of your goals; they will most likely support us if we just ask!

Halloween is only ONE night; don’t make it your gateway to a gluttonous holiday season! Instead, use it as MOTIVATION to stay in shape and overcome “overeating” this season! Having a healthy lifestyle, or eating clean shouldn’t be depressing over the holidays! Enjoy treats in moderation, and STAY on track with your fitness goals. Just remember, you will receive many compliments on your accomplishments at these parties that will outweigh the overeating! People will admire you after seeing how hard you have worked for it! That in itself should be enough of a reward to STAY healthy over the holidays! Stay dedicated and determined and remember, “The Skye’s the Limit”!

from FitnessRX for Women

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