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Thursday, 28 September 2017

The Thread: Finally, men tell us why they rape

This is not to assume that men are always the perpetrators when it comes to rape, even if by the laws of Nigeria, a man cannot be raped.  Currently, Abuja is the only state with a progressive legislation on rape. VAPPA (Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act), the legislation with application in Abuja defines rape as “when a person intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of another person with any other part of his/her body or anything else without consent, or with incorrectly obtained consent.”

Now we’ve put things in context, let’s proceed.

Why do men rape? We’ve heard it said it’s a power thing, an entitlement thing etc etc. Sky News sat down with men in South Africa to find out why they rape women. Their disclosures are terrifying. See below




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