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Friday, 15 September 2017

The Big Bang Theory: All 10 Seasons Ranked From Worst To Best

Back in 2007, no one could have predicated just how big of an impact The Big Bang Theory was going to have when it first aired. Since 2007, the series has become TV’s biggest comedy and its characters and sayings have become a part of pop culture. Loyal fans have now tuned in for 10 seasons and in those seasons have seen a lot of highs and lows when it comes to the lives of Sheldon Cooper, Leonard Hofstadter, Penny, Howard Wolowitz, Rajesh Koothrappali, Amy Farrah Fowler and Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz. Like many long-running series it has been a challenge to keep the content fresh and exciting, leading to some great seasons and others that were more mediocre. Here are all 10 seasons of The Big Bang Theory ranked:

10. Season Eight

Season eight of The Big Bang Theory premiered on September 22, 2014 and is widely regarded by longtime fans as the worst season of the show. At this point, even the most loyal of fans felt that maybe the show had gone on longer than it deserved and was simply recycling the same humor over and over again with one critic writing, “A lot of the jokes are tired and the plotlines are standard sitcom material, but if it’s worked for seven seasons, why switch it up now?” The season did have some highlights, which included Penny’s character development as she got a new job.

Michael Ansell / ©CBS /courtesy Everett Collection


9. Season Seven

Season seven of The Big Bang Theory may have prompted quite a few Emmy nominations for some of the stars, but it didn’t resonate as well with audiences. One of the biggest problems with season seven was its lack of movement and felt to many that the writers had simply run out of ideas to keep the characters interesting. One of the biggest criticisms about season seven was the “stereotypes written for the female characters,” although the season did give a bigger role to Kevin Sussman as Stuart Bloom, who has proven to be one of the greatest, and funniest supporting characters on the show.

Michael Yarish/©CBS/courtesy Everett Collection

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