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Friday, 29 September 2017

Healthy Eats: Roasted Tri-tip Steak with Herb Sauce & Scallion Quinoa

Roasted Tri-Tip Steak with Herb Sauce & Scallion Quinoa
Travis Rathbone

Nothing beats the grill for cooking steak, but you can just as easily roast a tri-tip, Hatfield says. “I use a little roasting pan with a rack. I pat the tri-tip dry, rub it with a little olive oil or a rub, salt and pepper, then put it in the oven. Roasting will still give it great color.”

Preheat oven to 425°.
To make sauce, mix parsley, oil, vinegar, eggs, salt, and pepper.
Cook quinoa per package instructions.
Place 1oz butter in a sauté pan over low heat; add scallions, and cook gently. When totally cooked, add quinoa and a splash of water. Mix, and warm through. Season with salt and pepper.
Rub steak with a little olive oil, then season well with salt and pepper.
Put steak in a pan with a rack, and cook in oven for about an hour, or until the center reads 130° on a meat thermometer. (Cooking time will depend on preference and the size of the cut.)
Remove from oven; let cool, uncovered, for 15 minutes, then loosely cover with foil and let rest for another 15 minutes.
Scoop quinoa into the center of two plates. Slice the steak into 1⁄4-inch-thick slices, and lay over quinoa. Drizzle sauce on top and around.

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