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Monday, 4 September 2017

Freddie Prinze Jr.’s 10 Most Popular Movies Ranked From Worst To Best

Freddie Prinze Jr. is one of the most iconic actors from the late ’90s and early 2000s. He cemented himself as one of the most popular heartthrobs of the time with continuous teen rom-coms and became one of the few stars to use Hollywood instead of being used by the cutthroat industry. Now, he has mostly retired from the spotlight and focuses mainly on his voice work with Stars Wars: Rebels and his home life, but that doesn’t mean that fans do not miss him! Take a look back at his career with his 10 most popular films ranked from worst to best:

10. Brooklyn Rules (2007)

2007’s Brooklyn Rules came at the tail end of the actor’s film career and is perhaps one of his least memorable roles. Set in 1985, the film starred Freddie Prinze Jr. as Michael, the narrator and protagonist who desperately tries to leave his life on the Brooklyn streets and the Mafia behind by scamming his way into Columbia University. Naturally, the film reveals it is never that easy to leave your roots behind and while it was certainly a different role for the actor, it was still reminiscent of his former popular romance films. For many Freddie Prinze Jr. fans the role was exciting because it was different, but it could not overpower the ones that made him a Hollywood heartthrob.

©City Lights Pictures/courtesy Everett Collection


9. Scooby-Doo (2002)

2002’s live-action theatrical Scooby-Doo film had quite the star-studded cast including Linda Cardellini, Matthew Lillard, Prinze Jr.’s real-life wife Sarah Michelle Gellar and of course the actor himself as Fred Jones. Given the frivolity of the movie, the role of Fred was as ridiculous as the actor wanted him to be after Prinze Jr. initially rejected the role before Gellar talked him into it. “Fred always showed more arrogance than everyone else. So in the movie, I took the opportunity to be as narcissistic and self-loving as possible,” he said of his character. The film was not an Oscar-winner, and definitely wasn’t intended to be, making it a great addition to the actor’s resume, but not one of his best films by any means.

(c) Warner Brothers. Courtesy Everett Collection.

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