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Thursday, 21 September 2017

Confronting multiple loyalties in Nigerian politics

Loyalty is an important quality of character for a politician to demonstrate. Loyalty is faithfulness to an obligation that is voluntarily assumed. To be loyal, therefore, is to be dependable. In its simplest understanding, loyalty in politics is the bond that secures the players in the field of politics in mutual expectations. For the politician, he or she is secure in the belief that if he or she plays by the rule and does not betray the trust of the people that elected him or her into office, their loyalty is assured. For the electorate, a politician’s fidelity to campaign promises is the test of loyalty.

Loyalty is the bedrock of any relationship, more so, political relationship. Having the back of a politician gives him or her the courage to fight for a cause that supporters invest in. And for supporters to know that a politician has their back is also reassuring as they give their all to the cause. It is a game of mutual reassurance. From recent history, we also know that electorates will forgive a politician’s indiscretions and moral failings if they appreciate his or her loyalty to a cause they espouse and invest in.

For many politicians, however, the matter of loyalty is not a simple one because they have several objects of loyalty. For instance, sometimes loyalty to constituents may end up as disloyalty to a party when pursuit of a local cause conflicts with the core of a party’s ideology. To have a good handle on the discussion, therefore, we need to come to terms with the many objects of loyalty. As I will argue, while there may be genuine and understandable conflicts, some of such conflicts grow out of clearly indefensible objects of a politician’s loyalty. There are legitimate and illegitimate objects of loyalty in politics.

One immediate concern is whether political loyalty is or ought to be to individuals or to a cause, a party, or to the institutions that define the nation. To the extent that a political or government leader demonstrates fidelity to the common political cause that unites them, he or she deserves the loyalty of associates or followers. What is indefensible is the demand of blind loyalty even when it is obvious that the leader is morally bankrupt and clearly averse to the ideals of democratic citizenship.

The first of the legitimate objects of loyalty, therefore, is ideology, the belief system regarding the objective of and rationale for politics. Politics is an institution whose purpose is the development of humanity in a particular nation-state. Ideology answers the question “what is worth fighting for?” in a simple catchphrase that is understandable to the people. Even when the catchphrase is as highfaluting as Democratic Socialism, Action Group broke it down for local consumption as “Freedom for All, Life More Abundant” or Afenifere. And with that ideological formulation, it rallied the troop to action.

If ideology is a legitimate object of loyalty, the political party, the organized group that promotes it deserves the loyalty of the politician who subscribes to the ideology. It is commonsensical. Indeed, to behave otherwise is self-destructive. Again, Awolowo’s position on the supremacy of the party is unassailable. Voters embrace a political party based on the ideological product it sells to them. Therefore, those politicians that the party presents to the voters as its candidates have an obligation of loyalty to its ideals and programs.

Third is the politician’s constituents whether they voted for or against her but whose interests he promised to advance through her party’s ideology. While many of the constituents may believe in a different ideology, the fact that the politician wins the race demands loyalty to his promise to all of them. Normally, then, there should be no conflict in the discharge of the politician’s obligation to all three objects of loyalty, namely ideology, political party, and constituency. The party reinforces the ideology and the constituency stands to benefit from the realization of the promise of the ideology.

But there are other objects of loyalty that may not fit neatly into the political chessboard. For, the politician, like other human beings, is a creature of many parts. He or she is a member of a family, an ethnic nation, and a religious organization. Each of these may have no input into the ideological orientation of the political party. However, primordial and spiritual loyalties, attributed to human nature, sometimes trump ideological beliefs. Thus, to the disappointment of the party and its leaders who must defend its beliefs and promises, one or more of their own members may be compromised in an essential requirement of commitment to its ideology.

As annoying as it may appear, the kind of conflicting loyalties that a politician may experience in such situations cannot be written off or dismissed as outcomes of an irrational distraction from the single goal of achieving ideological purity. In a multi-national and multi-religious polity, where politicians are products of particular ethnic and religious upbringing, it is a challenge for them to see beyond the confines of ethnic and religious identities. It is more so, where, in our own case, the seed of mistrust represented by colonial divide and rule strategy germinated into a giant tree of political cynicism about anything national.

As politicians face the challenge, the challenge for political leaders is to keep the focus of their associates on the prize of national greatness. It is a challenge, but it is not one that committed national leadership cannot overcome. Requirements for success include open and verifiable fairness, demonstrable commitment to the tenets of democratic governance and the practice of true federalism, and a formidable credential in forging alliances across the major divides of ethnic and religious loyalties. Unfortunately for Nigeria, a leadership with a preponderance of these qualities has yet to emerge.

The point of the above is this. Politicians are required to demonstrate loyalty to an ideology to which they subscribe, and which successfully attracts the electorate, and to the political party that initiates and promotes it. On the other hand, politicians also have primordial connections, including their ethnic nationality, religious affiliation, and family connections which also demand their loyalty. Loyalty to all is bound to conflict because of their different and opposing interests. Where that is the case, leadership intervention is essential to smoothen the edges of conflict. But leadership also has to be above board.

There is one loyalty, however, that is questionable. Loyalty to self-interest is the culprit. Here, however, we also have to pay attention to nuances. Self-interest, as such, is not bad. In fact, the true self-interest of a politician should lead him or her in the way of doing the right thing.

It is in the self-interest of a politician to have the trust of the electorate. if he or she wants to continue to serve as their public servant. But where the politician hasn’t demonstrated loyalty to the ideology that the electorates embrace, or to the party that they trust to promote it, then he or she risks losing their support. Therefore, if a politician sticks to his or her true self-interest, the appearance of a conflict may just be that, an appearance.

On the other hand, greed, which we often confuse with self-interest, is the undoing of many politicians. Greed is the absence of self-control in the pursuit of selfish ends in public service and it evidences disloyalty to ideology, party, and constituency. An ethnic nationality or a religious organization is ill-served by a politician’s loyalty to greed.

When a politician turns the coffers of the state to his personal use, not minding the hunger and disease ravaging his or her constituency, it is the height of disloyalty. A conscience that justifies that practice is dead. If political leaders bear any blame, it is that they should have known not to place such politicians in positions of responsibility. But that may be asking too much of humans that they are.

In the matter of political loyalty, therefore, everyone has to wear their crown of glory or carry their cross of shame.

The post Confronting multiple loyalties in Nigerian politics appeared first on The Nation Nigeria.

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