Crunched for time? Join the club, ladies. We are all juggling 10 things at once. When life tries to get in the way of keeping on track with your fitness program, Ms. Bikini International India Paulino has the solution: her 21-minute fitness blast.
When it comes to reaching the heights of fitness, India is a woman who knows how to get the job done— and she has a résumé that includes 15 IFBB Bikini pro championships and three Arnold Classic wins to prove it. So take a cue from one of the industry’s premier fitness models and empowerment and lifestyle coaches, and get your fitness plan into high gear.
India’s total-body routine features a condensed selection of her favorite exercises. These exercises will build lean body mass and improve tone and overall fitness, and the high-intensity cardio intervals will amp up your fat burn. India explains, “The intensity of this circuit and what you get out of it is ultimately up to you. You have only 21 minutes, so make each one count!”
India’s 21-Minute Fitness Blast
Repeat three times; no rest between exercises.
Leg Extensions: 1 minute
Deadlifts: 1 minute
High-Knee Run in Place: 1 minute
Push-Ups: 1 minute
Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 1 minute
Treadmill Sprint, Holding 5-Pound Dumbbells* (8.0 mph, 1% incline): 1 minute
Rest: 1 minute
*If you are uncomfortable running with dumbbells but still want an extra challenge, try adding a 3%-5% incline to the sprint instead.
Become a morning person. Training early is one of the best ways to ensure you don’t miss workouts. “To help take the edge off those blah mornings, I take a fat burner as soon I wake and then get back in bed. Twenty minutes later, I hop out of bed ready to smash my a.m. workout!”
Get fired up. “On the drive to the gym, I pump myself up for my workout. I drink coffee, blast the music and sing loud. I’m sure I look pretty crazy, but whatever; it works!”
Get connected. “The mind-muscle connection will help you more fully engage your muscles when training. Try visualizing the muscle working in your mind while performing the exercise.”
Keep pushing. “When you feel like letting up during a tough workout, remind yourself that everything worth having is tough to get, so you have to keep pushing. Also, think about how great you will feel after you finish.”
Plan ahead. To get the most from your gym time, have a plan. “I picture the machine locations and the amount of weight I will use in advance, so I am ready to work as soon as I arrive. No wasting our precious time.”
Eat often. To have great workouts, you must properly fuel your body. “Make sure to eat at least five to six small, well-balanced meals a day. This will help keep your energy up, muscles fed and fat burning.”
No filthy foods. Don’t waste your hard work in the gym by eating unhealthy foods that keep you from having that lean, tight physique we all desire. India recommends that you avoid processed foods high in fat, sugar and sodium. “This includes chocolate, ladies!”
Recover. To consistently have great workouts, your body must recover between workouts. India recommends taking a day off from training each week, stretching regularly, sleeping seven to nine hours a night, and supplementing with glutamine and amino acids.
India Paulino is an official BSN athlete. For more information, visit:
from FitnessRX for Women