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Saturday, 26 August 2017

“Shocking Story! How My Poor Eyesight Almost Made Me Lose My Sweet Banking Job!”

Dear Friend,

My name is Mr Sheye Adebowale, I used to suffer from a Chronic Glaucoma and Blurry Eyes until a Miracle Herbal Solution Helped me get rid of it FINALLY.

And today I Want to  share my true life story of how I got  rid of my annoying eye problem, without breaking the bank.

But before I go one, allow me to ask you the following questions….

==>Are You Suffering from Any form of Eye Problem That’s Making You Uncomfortable, Unhappy and Sad?

==>Have You Tried all Kind of Solution, Remedies or Even Surgeries that never Even Help Get Rid of That Annoying Eye Problem?

==>If I Show You a PERMANENT Solution that Will ERADICATE your Poor Eye sight, will you get it?

 If you answered the questions with a resounding “YES” then this article is just for you.

You see, I really don’t know what kind of eye problem you are facing right now, but trust me, I so much understand what you are going through!

Why  Do I Say So?

See,  I have been in your shoes, and I actually  know how it FEELS to  have a eye problem that seems to have no cure, I know how it feels to always wear a glasses before you could see a THING!

I know how annoying it is NOT to see what a normal human being is meant to see without even  dimming his eye..I KNOW!

That’s why I decided to come online and tell my personal story and show you a  Miracle Solution that Finally helped me overcome my highly critical eye problem.

“How My Poor Eye Sight Almost Made Me Lose My banking Job!”

Back in 2016, if anyone had told me that my blurry eyesight would cost me my job I would have said he or she is a big fat LIAR!

But Guess What?

My bad eyesight ACTUALLY made me so embarrassed.

Here’s  how it happened…..

On that fateful day…I had a bad dream (then I  knew my day might be a bad one), as soon as I woke up, my eyes started itching me, I scratched and scratched, then my blurry eyes set in….I could barely see a thing!

But I Had to Go to Work!

We all know how strict Nigerian Banks are When it comes to Lateness of Staffs.

So I Rushed to the Office With My Visibly RED Blurry Eyesight, thinking everything will be okay.

On that fateful day, I was meant to write a cheque to pay a contractor of ours.

All thanks to my Blurry Eyesight,  I mistakenly wrote a cheque of N10 million instead of a N100,000 as payment to a contractor!

If not that the man was sincere enough to alert the bank manager on seeing this error, my bank would have lost money that day.

This Error Happened Because I Was Currently in Pains, and My Vision was Blurred!”

The bank’s  Regional Manager alerted me and even gave me a quarry threatening to sack me if I didn’t find a lasting solution to this eye infection.

My colleagues started seeing  me as incompetent and important tasks which were handled by me were given to subordinates which I trained.

Promotions would come and I won’t be promoted!

Protégés whom I trained were promoted ahead of me, it was so depressing!

My career was going downhill due to my Blurry Vision & Glaucoma.

             “That was when I knew that Water Don Pass Garri!”

So Will the career  I labored for year in year out would just go down the drain just like that?

Hell NO!

I will not let that happened oo!

So I went ahead to try all sort of drugs, all sort of smelling locally made herbal mixtures……NOTHING HAPPENED!

I Even Tried On Popular Supplement…can’t remember the name…something Vision supplement.….that one even made the matter worse!

I was sick, tired and Frustrated of spending money on all sort of DRUGS  that never worked.

“How I Discovered A 2,000 Yrs Old Chinese Secret formula That Restored My Vision”

Just About When I was About to Give Up, I was chatting with a Former Classmate-Mr Adewale Olushegun who used used to have a poor eye sight, but all of sudden he had dumped the glasses!

I was so curious! I was so dumbfounded! I was so shocked as to how  he cure his long-sightedness, so I was FORCED to asked him to PLEASE show he how he did too so that I can finally dump my own glasses and see clearly for good.

After much pestering, begging and pleading he finally revealed the secret to is clear Eyesight.

The Strange but true secret worked fro me so well, that when the company  distributing this Herbal Solution contacted me for a Review and Testimonial I was so happy and willing to help them with it.


“Miracle Eye Bright Tea!”

Miracle Eye Bright Tea  is a  very effective Chinese Herbal Tea  that Helps to Eradicate all sort of Eye Sight Problems Without leaving any form of Side Effects At All so that you can finally dump your glasses, and live a life of true freedom and happiness.

Eye Bright Tea helps correct several eye problems such as the following…

==>Shortsightedness (Myopia)


==>Glaucoma, Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)

==>Cross-Eye (Strabismus)

==>Eye Strain

==>Macular Degeneration

==>Cataracts, Astigmatism

==>Presbyopia (Old-Age Sight)

==>Light Sensitivity, Diabetic Retinopathy.


Now You Can See Clearly Without Depending On Glasses AT ALL!

-Now You Can FINALLY Stop Spending fortune on Expensive Drugs & Eye Surgeries!

Now You Can Read, Watch TV and See How Beautiful the World Is!

Get Eye Bright Today ==>

“How The Miracle Eye Bright Tea  Formula Was Discovered By an Underrated Doctor”

In April 2009, a Chinese Doctor; Liu Xiaobo, Discovered Something Totally Amazing.

He discovered that the reason why old people in China rarely wear glasses is deeply CONNECTED  to their culture.

Do you know that When a Chinese man wakes up, the first thing he does is to drink a herbal tea?

Same thing happens when he gets a visitor!

A chinese man does not bring out food for his visitors….he offers that visitor a herbal tea!

In fact, they love this culture so much that they even have a name for I “Chayi” the art of drinking tea.

 “This Tradition of Is Over 2000 years old!”

But unknown to these old people who take this tea, some of the herbs they use to make the tea goes STRAIGHT to their eyes, and completely RE-SHAPE the lens inside their eyes in such a way that a man who is over 80 years will have an eye so strong and powerful he can almost read in the dark.

When Dr. Liu Xiaobo Saw What Was Happening, He Started Studying Every Single Herb Used For Tea in the Whole of China.

It took him complete 7 years to do this study….and when he was done, what he discovered was completely amazing.

He found out that out of over 148 herbs the Chinese use to make their herbal tea only 3 did all the “magic”

1. Eye Bright Herb

2. Chrysanthemum

3. Chinese Wolfberry

4. Cassia Seed

But What He Did Next Will SHOCK You..

He gathered all four  herbs, went into a lab, mixed them all up and worked on them for 3 months till he came up with the most powerful & Amazing cure for eye defects the world has ever seen!

Giving Birth to  the Miracle Eye Bright Tea!

Get Eye Bright Today ==>

So How Does Eye Bright Tea Works?

When you get a  pack of Eye Bright Tea, which contains 20 tea bags,you take out of of the tea bag, boil hot water, put 1 tea bag in the hot water & mix it with Honey ONLY, then take a cup in the morning, and take one at night before sleeping.

Take if for good 30 Days, and if you don’t see changes, let me know and I will return your money back to you!

So I ordered for 3 bags of the Eye Bright tea so I can see the wonders they perform.

But guess what?

“My Once CLOUDY EYES became CRYSTAL CLEAR in LESS Than 30 Days!”

After taking the Eye Bright Tea for good 30 days…

1. My glaucoma was all gone!

2. My Blurry Eyes Where No More!

3. My Eyes Were Not Itching Me Anymore!

4. And I Could Finally See Without My Annoying Glasses!

All thanks to  Eye bright Tea for restoring my TERRIBLE eye sights.

I was so happy, free and confident of myself.

Get Eye Bright Today ==>

Dear friend,

I urge you to try the Miracle eye Bright Tea for Your Sight.

I very confident that you’ll see a drastic improvement in your Eye Sight, and  you’ll be able to see so clear, every letter, every comma, and every full stop without your glasses!

Why Am I So Confident?

This is Because this is what I used for my terrible eye sight problem and it worked like magic for me.

And I’m sure it will work as well for you too.

In short, don’t take my words for it, here’s what some other people ave to say about it…

Eye Bright Tea is So EFFECTIVE, It’s Now in  HUGE Demand All Over Nigeria & So Many People Like ME Are Giving There Own Testimony!

This are the Few Success Stories that Are Pouring In, There are Over 2,000 People That Have Had Clear Eye Sight Thanks to Eye Bright Tea!

I’m Sure you are so Eager to Get your Own Pack of Eye Bright Tea!

So how much will it cost you?

Get Eye Bright Today ==>

“How To Grab Your Pack Of Eye Bright Tea Today Before It runs Out of Stock!”

You see, I spent over N50,000 to get 4 packs of Eye Bright Tea (2 packs was for 25,000), but I had to beg UNCLE DAVIES, the Health Activist who brought this Miracle tea into the country to DRASTICALLY REDUCE THE PRICE so that a lot for people can benefit from this powerful herbal tea.

But you’ll have to place your order right away or miss this opportunity to grab it at a bonanza price.

So How Much will EYE BRIGHT  TEA Cost You???

 There Are 2 Options Available…

 Option #1 (2 Packs of Eye bright Tea)

 Hurry and Grab it For N23,000 instead of N35,000 Today!

******Suitable for Mild Eye sight problem like short sightedness, longsightedness  or developing eye problems.

 Option #2 (4 Packs of Eye bright Tea) 

Hurry and Grab it For N23,000 instead of N35,000 Today!

***Suitable for critical eye problems such as Critical Gacuma, Cataracts, ETC

How to Order Today!

Send the following as SMS to=> 0909-515-9064

**Eye Bright Tea** Option you want**Full name**Phone number**Delivery Address**Local Govt**state**

(1)Option One (2 Packs)==> N23,000

(2)Option Two (4 Packs) => N37,000

Once we receive your details, one of our agents will confirm the order, and We dispatch your order ASAP!

****Shipping is Free plus 90 days money back guarantee if you use it and it does not work for you!

To Avoid the Fear of Scam..we ONLY Accept Cash on Delivery

Delivery Time;

***For any Questions kindly call our hotline==> 09095159064

To  further sweetening the offer, Uncle Davies the Distributor, Have decided to give the first 10 people to order for the OPTION 2 Of the Eye Bright a FREE HD Vision Glasses Worth=N=9,000!


HD Vision Is a Good Wrap Around Glasses that Make Your See Clearly while driving at night.

As if that’s not enough….

If  you Order for Eye Bright Tea Today

“You are fully covered by a 90 Days Take it To The Bank, No Super Story Money Bank Guarantee!”

So if you have used it for over 60 days and you don’t see any positive results, just put a call to us, we will not tell stories, we will send your money back and even apologize to you while you keep the packs of Eye Bright Tea With you.

THat’s how confident I’m about this amazing solution.

Send the following as SMS to=> 0909-515-9064

**Eye Bright Tea** Option you want**Full name**Phone number**Delivery Address**Local Govt**state**

(1)Option One (2 Packs)==> N23,000

(2)Option Two (4 Packs) => N37,000

Once we receive your details, one of our agents will confirm the order, and We dispatch your order ASAP

****Shipping is Free plus 90 days money back guarantee if you use it and it does not work for you!

To Avoid the Fear of Scam..we ONLY Accept Cash on Delivery

Delivery Time;

***For any Questions kindly call our hotline==> 09095159064

P.S: Remember there are on 50 packs left, and I’m very sure it will be sold out today,  so  hurry and place your order right away!

P.S: If you know you have any form  Eye problem and you are not getting this amazing herbal solution right away, then you are shooting yourself in the legs, hurry up and grab this offer right away, you have nothing to lose!

The post “Shocking Story! How My Poor Eyesight Almost Made Me Lose My Sweet Banking Job!” appeared first on The Nation Nigeria.

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