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Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Ribadu: unholy alliance working to scuttle anti-graft war

The Federal Government should remain steadfast in its commitment to the anti corruption war because “there is an unholy alliance of corrupt people in and out of government” trying to derail it, former Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) Chairman Nuhu Ribadu said yesterday

In his view, the anti-corruption war is working, but Nigerians must resist those in high places who want to scuttle it.

Ribadu said EFCC Acting Chairman Ibrahim Magu and his team were doing a great job and needed the support of well-meaning Nigerians.

He said some Nigerians may not like Magu’s face or his strategy, it should never be a reason for rejection of fundamental truths and his good job.

Ribadu, who spoke at the fifth anniversary of Connected Development (CODE), a non-governmental organisation in Abuja, said those who had been stumbling blocks to the war against corruption clearly did not understand or feel the biting impact of corruption.

He said: “There is no doubt that the current anti-corruption regime in the country is working. We have seen the feat attained in recent past and the ongoing effort to stall it.

”We, as Nigerians, must also stand to be counted on the intractable issue which poses a bigger challenge, the corruption malaise. Importantly, at a time like this, when a clear line is re-emerging, demarcating agents of progress and those bent on stopping them, as citizens, we have a duty not to be on the fence but make a clear choice between these contending forces.

“Nigerians must take a stand between those who are working diligently to get back our stolen money and those who are poised to scuttle such efforts.

“We are witnessing essentially a classical case of state capture in which individuals, including those in high public office, use their position to undermine the state and its policies because of their personal interest.

“Unfortunately, some people who are supposed to be part of efforts at restitution are colluding with those who have stolen our commonwealth to frustrate the work of those who are genuinely committed in reversing the ugly trend.

“And as this unholy alliance of corrupt people in and out of government takes root, it is us, the ordinary Nigerians, that are the victims.”

“Those who have been a stumbling block to the war against corruption clearly do not understand or feel the biting impact of corruption.

“If they do, they would not put up the kind of resistance we are currently witnessing in the efforts to make a success of the anti-corruption war.”

To Ribadu, Magu and his team has been performing well and they ought to be supported.

“At the implementation level, I am of the opinion that Ibrahim Magu and his team are doing a great job and they need the support of all well-meaning Nigerians.

“ I know how tough this work is, and I can appreciate the challenges they are contending with. We must support and encourage them. Not because we like or dislike them but because they are offering a selfless national service, and they are doing it very well,” he said.

Ribadu said it was wrong to personalize the attack against Magu and the EFCC.

“Yes, you may not like someone’s face or even disagree with his strategy but that should never be a reason for you to reject fundamental truths and the good things that such a person is doing,” he said, adding:

“It is also no excuse for you to personalise your duty or responsibility or undermine efforts that are beneficial to us as a country.

“I have chosen to take a stand on this because I have passed through this myself and I see similar signs of those dark moments of 2007 hovering all over us.

“It is always a dangerous cocktail when some corrupt elements in power decide to side with private interests outside government, using the rule of law as a ruse, to muscle sincere efforts to tackle corruption.”

The ex-EFCC chairman said the nation was yet to finish paying for the mistakes of 2007 and the years after.

He said Nigerians should not allow history to repeat itself.

He said: “We haven’t yet finished paying for the mistakes of 2007 and the years after. We should not allow history to repeat itself in this regard.

“Personally, I believe this administration is doing a wonderful and patriotic duty by putting the fight against corruption on the front burner. Corruption is a serious ailment afflicting this nation and by facing it headlong, the Buhari administration is doing us a whole lot of service.”

Ribadu urged the youthful members of CODE to join the anti-corruption crusade.

The post Ribadu: unholy alliance working to scuttle anti-graft war appeared first on The Nation Nigeria.

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