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Saturday, 15 July 2017

A Creative Prop Stylist's Southern California Home — House Tour

Name: Rebecca Buenik and Bruno Tysh
Location: Echo Park, Los Angeles
Size: 1050 square feet
Years lived in: 8 years, renting

Both creatives in their own right, Rebecca, a prop stylist, and Bruno, a television and movie writer, have created a home that also doubles as their creative workspace. The pair met at a school in Chicago, moved to LA after graduation and made a home for themselves in the Echo Park area before it became the popular area it is today. They largely attribute their staying put to the amazing vendors and artists that have popped up in their neighborhood since their arrival. Exploring their neighborhood, traveling, and doing research for their collaborative upcoming tiki book keeps them moving and inspired.


from Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time

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