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Saturday, 24 June 2017

The truth behind viral photo of woman comforting injured man during London Bridge attack

The truth behind the now-famous image of a woman nursing a bloodied man during the London's Westminster Bridge attack has been revealed

The victims who were thought to be strangers,  are actually husband and wife couple, Cara and Stephen Lockwood, from Oxford.

As detailed in BBC documentary Hospital, the pair had travelled to London to celebrate Stephen's 40th birthday in May when Islamic-inspired terrorist Khalid Masood struck by mowing down pedestrians in a hired car.

 He and his wife were on Westminster Bridge because, fearing a terrorist attack, Mrs Lockwood wanted to avoid the London Underground. Seconds later, she was nursing him after the speeding vehicle struck him.

Speaking about the attack Mr Lockwood said:
"I can remember making the decision to cross the bridge to get to a taxi on the other side, and that's pretty much it.
"She [Mrs Lockwood] remembers it and I don't. So I've got the broken body and she's got the broken mind. But we're going to deal with it together."
 He suffered serious injuries which included deep cuts to his leg, a broken tibia and a fractured fibula.

He needed a four-hour operation to repair the damage and narrowly avoided having his leg amputated. He also spent a number of days in intensive care, where he was kept on life support.
Speaking about the photo, which went viral on news networks across the world, Mr Lockwood said:
"'This is me, laying on the road and Cara is crouched over me, telling me to be OK, that's it's alright."I just see love in it really because in all that chaos and hatred all I can see is my wife looking after me."I feel like I am allowed to say we've won. We survived and we're safe."
 Mrs Lockwood - who suffered a twisted ankle in the attack - also gave an emotional account of the traumatic day from her husband's bedside.

She said: "What he looked like in the road. He was just covered in blood. It was all over him. Everyone goes through s*** you know. But not this. Not being ploughed down.
"It's really hard when you spend so much time with somebody and they're taken away from you and you're suddenly really, really alone.
"I want him back home. I want to have a Friday night on the sofa with pizza and a beer."

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