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Friday, 30 June 2017

How to get rid of dark spots on your skin

How to get rid of dark spots on your skin

Dark spots, also known as sunspots, are small to medium flat, dark markings on the skin, or a collection of melanin, caused by exposure to UV light. They often start appearing as we get older and are most commonly found on our faces, hands and shoulders.

They affect plenty of South Africans because of our country’s climate. If you start noticing them popping up, all hope is not lost, as there are ways to lighten them provided you act swiftly and use the correct products. Here’s how:


As they always say, prevention is better than cure, so make sure you apply a good-quality sunscreen daily to avoid getting dark spots in the first place and to prevent existing ones from becoming any more pronounced.

Top ingredients

The best skincare ingredients to fade dark spots are vitamin C and retinol. Fortunately, both of these are fairly common and can even be found together in one product, so check your labels and add these products to your beauty arsenal.

Related: 6 common retinol myths busted

Shine bright

When it comes to your serum, which should make up part of your daily routine, opt for one that is geared at brightening the skin. This will help to treat any existing spots while simultaneously preventing new ones from developing.

Full coverage

Dark spots might seem to pop up overnight, but trust us, they take a bit longer than that to disappear! While you are treating them with various products, you can conceal them by using a foundation that provides full coverage. 

Related: Pick the best foundation formula

Visit a pro

Even if treated correctly with at-home products, some spots won’t budge, and that’s when a trip to a dermatologist might be your best option. They will be able to perform a professional peel or offer laser sessions that can safely and easily treat skin discolouration.

PHOTO: iStock/simarik


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