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Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Singer John Legend Donates $5000 To Charity To Help Feed Kids In Seattle Public Schools

John Legend is the latest to loosen his purse strings for a good cause. The singer donated $5000 towards a project aimed at providing meals for kids in Seattle’s public schools. The GoFundMe project is the brainchild of Jeff Lew who wants to help erase the nearly $21,000 total school lunch debt in 99 Seattle public schools.

John Legend

Jeff was taken aback to discover John donated $5000 to the cause, the single biggest donation. On GoFundMe, Lew wrote that his child attends one of Seattle’s public schools, where if a student owes $15 or more for meals, schools provide a modified meal.

John Legend

In some cases, when a student doesn’t have enough money for lunch, cafeteria staff take away the child’s tray of hot food and hand the student a brown paper bag containing a cold cheese sandwich and a small milk, according to CNN.

This practice is what some call ‘lunch-shaming’, which Lew says ‘is an awful thing and it should not be happening’.

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