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Thursday, 4 May 2017

Mum cooks her placenta (Photos)

There have been several claims about the nutritional value of the placenta ..Celebs like Kim and Kourtney Kardashian have confessed to cooking and eating theirs. Now, one mum took to Instagram to show off her placenta and how she cooked it to eventually dry and grind it into powder form. The woman who goes by @babysblessings wrote

Yep, this is exactly what it looks like ๐Ÿ™Š first step is to rinse away the blood....

 This is what I did with my morning. Finally defrosted my placenta and steamed it.
It was really quite strange handling my own placenta, something I'd grown in my body and had nourished my baby girl for nine months. Up close the vein structure is actually quite incredible and feeling and examining every part taught me more then I could have read and researched.
So I'm in the dehydrating stage now of my first placenta. Im going to ground it up into powder form to get the hang of all my equipment and I'll encapsulate a couple for practice but the remainder of the powder will be buried in our yard under a tree ๐ŸŒด stay tuned for more photos ๐Ÿ˜

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