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Thursday, 11 May 2017

Focus less on finance, SMEDAN tells MSMEs

Lagos State District Coordinator of Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN), Yinka Fisher has urged entrepreneurs in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to develop workable innovative ideas and expand business network rather than lament on the problem of accessing finances.

Fisher who spoke on the topic, “Unlocking the Youths Entrepreneurship Potentials for National Economic Development” at the Trek Entrepreneurship Lecture said, “ the problem of finance is not an immediate problem for entrepreneurs as finance will be easily accessed if business is properly placed. One thing we keep telling people is that you cannot run a business alone and that is why you must network with a synergy of different people so that at the end of the day whatever is your own is your own weakness would be the strength of your partners and the weak point of your partners can be your own strength.

He added that many small and medium enterprises are unable to access finances primarily due to lack of information as well as their inability to meet specified requirements which include a realistic business plans and provision of loans collateral.

The SMEDAN District Coordinator said, “When we talk about finance, finance availability is in abundance but what is your ability to know how to tap into it. One thing we keep saying is that for you to be able to tap into finance, you must be able to provide a business plan. Let us see your business plan. Of course, it is not enough for someone to come and say that I am looking for finance without knowing what kind of business that person is into and what business direction that person is looking at. So for finance to be properly access, first thing first is to understand what does it take to establish an enterprise and when your business is properly established, you would know how to source for your finance. And providing information on funding are some of the things MSMEs can get from SMEDAN as an institution of government.

Speaking in the same vein, CEO, Papas Entertainment has implored Nigerian youths to look inward and discover unique traits which could be maximized for self-employment and job creation rather than lament on lack of finances.

He said, “I would say that though we all need finance but much more I implore the youths to use their environment and their talent. I want to advocate that the youths look inward and annex their potentials; these potentials are inherent in all of us. Every one of us needs to discover our purpose. Those are the things that would make you unique and successful as an entrepreneur. Finance should not be a total hindrance to whoever is ambitious.

Meanwhile, President of Computer and Allied Product Dealers Association of Nigeria (CAPDAN), Ahmed Ojikutu, who spoke on the sideline at the lecture has called for more investment into the information communication technology (ICT) sector of the economy.

He said, “ICT is going to be the driving force of every industry in the nearest future, be it health, education or transportation. You would discover that ICT would consequently become the orbit that works around every of these industry. So at this point, you would see that it is only reasonable that ICT be heavily invested into. And with these investments, Nigeria would become an ICT producing country and not a consuming country alone.



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