The CW series known as The Originals was created as a spin-off from The Vampire Diaries. The show follows Klaus Mikaelson as he and his family travel to New Orleans and become embroiled in supernatural politics. The Originals premiered back in 2013 and is now onto its fourth season! Like it’s parent show, it has become an extremely popular show and developed a strong cult following, so here’s a look at 8 things you probably didn’t know about The Originals!
8. Rule About Killing Off Characters
Pretty much all new characters brought onto either The Originals or The Vampire Diaries are destined to be killed off at some point. There aren’t any surprises for the actors on either show, especially since Julie Plec has a rule that all the actors are given fair warning when their character may be headed for a fatal end. “We have a rule if you’re killing off a series regular, you have to tell them first. If you’re killing off a person temporarily, you have to warn them before the script comes out,” said Plec.
The CW
7. CW’s First Successful Spin-Off
What many people probably don’t know is that not only is The Originals a huge success, it’s also paved the way for other shows on The CW. As the networks first successful spin-off show it laid the ground work for other potential spin-offs like The Flash.
The CW
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