In the world of television, a spin-off is a program is developed off the popularity of another show – and there have been a good handful of soap operas launched off other daytime dramas. Some have been an incredible success, while others…not so much. Below are seven soap opera spin-off shows ranked from worst to best:
7. Our Private World
If we went back through the soap opera vaults back to 1965, we would find a soap opera spin-off that experienced very limited success. Our Private World was a spin-off from the then-number one daytime drama, As the World Turns (ATWT). It was created by William J. Bell and Irna Phillips and the show marked the first time a daytime soap launched a primetime spin-off. It debuted in March of 1965 and, by September of that year, the show was cancelled. It centered around ATWT character, Lisa Miller Hughes.
6. Return To Peyton Place
Return to Peyton Place was spin-off of the primetime drama series Peyton Place that aired from 1964 to 1969. Years after it was cancelled, the show was revived and followed three of the characters from original series: Eli Carson, Ada Jacks, and Rita Jacks Harrington. The show debuted as a daytime soap opera in 1972 and, sadly, it did not have as good of a run as its primetime predecessor and it was cancelled in 1974.
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