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Monday, 15 May 2017

7 Pop Groups You Forgot Existed

In the world of pop music, pop groups come and go faster than you can blink your eyes. Even some that manage to seemingly “make it” in the industry, only stick around for a few years max. We are taking a look some of those forgotten pop groups that none of us ever hear about anymore. Here are 7 pop groups that you forgot existed:

7. Dream

In the early 2000s, the pop group Dream made their mark in pop music with their single “He Loves U Not.” Their next single “This Is Me” was also successful and hit number one on Total Request Live. Although the group was supposed to release two more singles from their debut album It Was All a Dream, the singles were never released. In 2002, it was announced that Melissa Schuman left the group to pursue an acting career and then the remaining members – Holly Blake-Arnstein, Ashley Poole, and Diana Ortiz – recruited another member, Kasey Sheridan, and released their single “Crazy,” which did not receive the acclaim “This Is Me” did. Afterwards, the group quietly disbanded. Although they reunited for a tour in 2016, they have since disbanded.

Source: NY Daily News


6. Eden’s Crush

Eden’s Crush was formed in 2000 on the reality TV show Popstars and included Ana Maria Lombo, Ivette Sosa, Maile Misajon, Nicole Scherzinger and Rosanna Tavarez. The group had a couple of hit singles, “Get Over Yourself,” which peaked at number 8 on the Billboard Hot 100, and “Love This Way.” They also joined NSYNC on their Pop Odyssey Tour and Jessica Simpson on her DreamChaser Tour, and toured with Play. Two years after they formed their girl group, they disbanded.

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