Nowadays chocolate and the Easter bunny are synonymous with Easter and all its celebrations. But there are a lot of Easter-related facts that you might not know. Take the Easter quiz, which states that only 1 in 15 adults will know the answers, and find out whether you are that one person. Will you be the Easter trivia quizmaster?
Before you take the quiz, here are seven fun facts that will shed light on Easter traditions around the world:
1. Most people agree that there is a right way to eat a chocolate bunny. Seventy-six percent of Americans say it’s correct to start with the ears and then move on to the body.
2. Some traditions around the world are incredibly elaborate and take weeks of planning. In Guatemala, during the weeks before Easter, a carpet of flowers and sawdust stretches for up to 2km on the road. On the day, people walk on it in celebration of the holiday.
3. There is actually an Easter egg worth 8-million dollars (more than R100-million)! The ornament is covered in more than 1 000 diamonds. Inside the diamond egg is a golden egg, and within the golden egg is a rock-crystal dove. Talk about elaborate!
4. People aren’t quite sure where the idea of the Easter bunny came from. However, according to, stories of the Easter bunny travelled from Germany to America in the 1700s, gained popularity and became the stories we know today.
5. Egg decorating is a very old tradition that goes back centuries, with some people claiming it dates back to the 13th century. The story goes that at this time eggs were an important Lent sacrifice and so people would make them look as nice as possible for the day when they could enjoy them again.
6. Australians have localised the Easter bunny by changing it into the Easter Bilby, which is a desert-dwelling marsupial. Many people are trying to make this a tradition down under.
7. The largest Easter-egg hunt was held in Cypress Gardens Adventure Park in Florida in the US in 2007. The Florida theme park hid half a million eggs and thousands of children and their parents went looking for them.
Now is your chance to find out how many more facts you know about Easter:
6 Easter weekend getaway spots
Prevent driver fatigue this Easter
The post Quiz: How well do you know Easter? appeared first on Good Housekeeping.
from Good Housekeeping