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Tuesday, 25 April 2017

General Hospital’s 7 Most Unbelievable Plot Twists

General Hospital (GH) fans have come to expect the unexpected when it comes to their favorite soap opera. The town of Port Charles revolves around the hospital, mob scene and super spy action, so there has been plenty of romance and adventure over past the five decades the daytime drama has been on the air. Of course, there has also been many plot twists that occurred (it is a soap opera after all), which has left fans stunned, shocked, and continually wanting to tune in. Below are seven of the most unbelievable GH plot twists that have occurred during the show’s tenure.

7. Dreams Do Come True

Emily was struggling with two things back in 2003, her feelings between Zander Smith and Nikolas Cassadine and the fact that she also had breast cancer. Emily wanted to shelter Zander for the pain he may feel around her illness, so in an effort to push him away, she pretended to be in a relationship with Nikolas. The only problem was, she fell in love with him. Fast forward some months and while she’s with Zander, Emily really wants Nikolas. One fateful night, Emily dreams about Nikolas kissing her. She wakes up and almost instantly starts to get better and beats the disease. What an unbelievable plot twist!

© ABC / Courtesy: Everett Collection


6. The Most Evil Of The Cassadines Emerges

Kudos to GH writers and creative for pulling from history to create a unique storyline and incredible plot twist. In 2009, Helena Cassadine warned Luke Spencer about the evil of the evil when it comes to Cassadines, Mikkos’ illegitimate son, Valentin. No one ever saw the man or any indication that he may show up in Port Charles. After seven years of wondering if we would ever see him, he pops up in a storyline where he ends up killing his nephew, Nikolas. The cool thing about Valentin is that while he is clearly evil, he does have a heart, and that is evident when you see him dealing with little Charlotte and Anna. How many Cassadines are there out there and why do they keep popping up? Death can’t even hold this family back.


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