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Tuesday, 4 April 2017

3 Moves For Toned Arms

Everybody wants to have those toned, strong arms. Without a doubt these 3 moves will give you just that!

So without further ado here they are:

DB Incline Triple Set

• Dumbbell Incline I’s X10 Reps
• Dumbell Incline T’s X10 Reps
• Dumbell Divers X10 Reps

Set up a bench on an incline and grab 2 lighter dumbbells. I used 15’s.

Go 10 Reps for I’s and Y’s. Keep your arms straight and chest glued to the pad.

Then hit the divers. Keep your chest on the pad and raise your arms overhead while maintaining an external rotation with the arms.

Band Triple Threats

• Face Pull
• External Rotation
• Shoulder Press

Bam Bam & Bam! Do all 3 movements.. That is one rep.

Go for 10 Reps

Alpha Press

Get a barbell and grab it with two hands like your holding a javelin. Press both arms overhead and take the bar to your opposite shoulder. That’s one rep. Do 10

Shoulder Burn Circuit
• 10 Reps for all movements
• 1 minute rest in between round
• 6 Rounds!!!!!

So there you have it. 3 moves for more toned arms.

Plug this into your routine this week and watch what happens!

Chase it!

from FitnessRX for Women

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