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Thursday, 20 April 2017

10 Nastiest Bachelor Nation Breakups Of All Time

Fans of The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, and Bachelor in Paradise are well aware that the odds of these reality TV couples staying together aren’t great. Of course before they even get to being the final couple, there are a lot of breakups along the way as the Bachelor or Bachelorette tries to narrow down the pool of contestants in their quest for love. Fans have watched some awkward, heated and tense exchanges play out on camera, in interviews afterwards and often in the media. Here are the 10 nastiest Bachelor nation breakups of all time!

10. Byron Velvick and Mary Delgado

With over 20 seasons now aired, fans may have a hard time remembering season six Bachelor Byron Velvick. The pro bass fisherman ended up choosing Mary Delgado and the duo went on to have a whole lot of ups and downs. They were on and off for five years and then things got really bad in 2007 when Delgado was arrested for allegedly assaulting Velvick. Despite the incident, the two stayed together for two more years but after five years, a lot of fights, and the arrest, they finally split in 2009.

Source: Wetpaint


9. Nick Viall and Andi Dorfman

Fans of The Bachelor have seen Nick’s relationship with Andi Dorfman extend past her season of The Bachelorette where Nick would become runner-up to Josh Murray. Coming so close to winning and then being rejected is hard, but the pair made it even harder on each other. During the After the Final Rose special, Nick embarrassed Andi when he told everyone that they had slept together in the fantasy suite and asked her why she had done that if she didn’t love him. Later, when she released her memoir, she made remarks suggesting that Nick’s love-making skills just weren’t very good and helped her to realize she didn’t want to be with him. Although they threw a couple of low-blows at each other, Nick has since apologized and the two seem amicable and she even appeared on his season of The Bachelor.


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