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Tuesday, 21 March 2017

We Quizzed Amazon Echo vs. Google Home: Who's Smarter?

Amazon's Echo, a Bluetooth speaker powered by voice assistant Alexa, burst on to the scene a couple years ago and instantly captured the hearts and minds of consumers. You could hear the collective cry: voice control is finally here! Of course, there was lots of voice control on the market already (including Apple's O.G. Siri), but Alexa was the first out of the gate that promised—and delivered—on making voice commands useful in the home. With "Skills" being developed for a wealth of tasks (and Alexa being built into a lot of smart products like cars, refrigerators and lamps), it's as easy to ask her to tell you the weather or read you news headlines as it is to have her water your lawn, lock your door or order you a pizza.


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