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Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Just Married: 3 things couples need to know before having babies

What new couples need to know before making babies

Having babies should not be the ultimate goal of your marriage.

The next question that will most likely pop into your mind after your wedding ceremony is 'when are we having a baby?

In this part of the world, couples usually like to begin immediately and it is even 'expected' in some places for the bride's belly to show signs of pregnancy as early as possible. It seems to convince people that

Whether you choose to start making babies immediately or wait a little while, here are three things you and your partner should know...

1. It could be the end of your 'relationship'

Many couples find themselves growing distant once they begin to have kids. Though this is not supposed to be so, but somehow, it has brought too may couples to the end of true intimacy and companionship.


Raising children is actually a lot of hardwork and it is not uncommon for parents, especially wives, to be sapped of energy on a daily basis.

Maintaining closeness, intimacy and romance in a situation as this might be difficult but it is a must.

Babies are not meant to make partners grow distant.

ALSO READ: What if you found out your husband of 2 years is gay?

2. Raising kids should be a joint affair

Also, you and your partner need to have a concrete, agreed plan on how to raise the kids even before they are born.

What methods of correction would you use? Spanking, or just word of mouth? This and other related stuff should also be discussed whether before the kids are born, or when the child is still pretty young.


3. Children won't make your marriage problems go away

Having kids is not a necessary cure to relationship problems. Communication and a willingness to make things work is what you and your partner need to settle your differences, not babies.

True, the birth of a baby could cause a strong emotional connection between partners and bring them closer despite existing differences but that bond is a temporary one and will likely wear off in no time.

Those existing issues will surely rear their heads again because they were not properly dealt with.

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